Vice Governor Ernadina Bajrovic, M.A.

Ernadina Bajrović was born on December 27, 1971. She completed Sarajevo II Gymnasium, Course Programmer, and she graduated in Communications at the Political Sciences Faculty at University of Sarajevo. Upon completion of interdisciplinary postgraduate "European Studies", she was conferred with the degree of Master of Arts in corporate law and banking and on 2004 defended Master thesis entitled „System of the Banking Supervision – EU and BH“ and she obtained the diplomas of University of Sarajevo, University of Bologna and London School of Economics. She has been approved to work on Ph.D. paper in strategic management by University of Sarajevo, which she finished. She was assigned science – academic title Senior Assistant Professor at the Faculty for Public Administration of Sarajevo University, for the field of Public Sector Management, on 2013.

She has been working in the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1997, when, within the Office of the Governor, she was engaged in the project of putting in circulation the domestic currency (convertible mark), and in the reforms of payments system in BH, within the Payments Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since June 2001, she has been employed by the CBBH, in the Office of the Governor, as assistant for financial market issues, being, inter alia, in charge of sovereign credit rating assignment process. Then, she worked as the expert-economic analyst in the Department for European Integration and International Cooperation. During 2006, on behalf of the CBBH, she was assigned to the membership of financial sector working group for negotiations with the EU in the process of preparation to sign the BH and EU Stabilisation and Association Agreement. Since January 2007, she worked as the Head of the Human Resources Management Department, where, along with other tasks, she led the technical cooperation with the central banks. During 2010, she was a project manager of the international EU project „Strengthening the Capacity of Human Resources Management in the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina”. She has fourteen years of managerial experience at senior managerial positions. She is the representative of the management for quality and the certified manager of quality pursuant to the ISO. She completed a number of trainings and courses in the field of the central banks' preparations for the European integration and monetary policy, management process in the central banks, human resources management, project planning, negotiation and management skills. She participated in numerous international and domestic conferences, presented subjects from the area of central banks operations, and she held range of lectures as visiting lecturer at Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo. She speaks English language fluently and she has high level of computer literacy.

In the period from 2013 to 2020, she was the Vice Governor of the CBBH, Sector for Administration and Finance. During 2018, she was a member of the expert team at the level of BH for the development of a strategy for the inclusion of the diaspora in the economic development of BH. From 2017 to 2020, she is a member of the Advisory Group of the Fiscal Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is also a member of the CBBH IT Committee and the EU Integration Committee, and a member of the Innovation Network of Central Banks at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel. She is the Chair of the CBBH Risk Committee. With the reappointment at the position of the CBBH Vice Governor at a four-year term, she has been in charge of the Sector for Administration and Finance in the CBBH, starting from January 1, 2013.

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