News and Announcements Public Announcements Total Household Deposits Amount to KM 15.57 Billion Total Household Deposits Amount to KM 15.57 Billion 10/30/2023 10/23/2023 Governor of the CBBH at the IMF and the World Bank Annual Meeting in Morocco 10/13/2023 Continued education activities within implementation of the project with high schools 10/12/2023 10/5/2023 Continuation of CBBH capacity building with the support of the Swiss government 9/28/2023 Letter of Intent - Call for Information Gathering and Market Research (in local languages only) 9/26/2023 Nowcast of the Annual Change in Real GDP and Inflation in the Short Term 9/25/2023 Start of cooperation of OECD,CBBH and relevant institutions in financial literacy and inclusion 9/20/2023 In 2022 direct foreign investments in BH amount to KM 1.44 billion 8/15/2023 «…56789…»